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Theoretical astrophysics


Theoretical astrophysics

We have a passion for compact objects (neutron stars, black holes and white dwarfs) in all their aspects, as well as close binary star evolution.

Our theoretical research includes (but is not restricted to) stellar evolution and interactions in binaries leading to formation and evolution of compact objects in tight binaries with applications to: gravitational wave sources at both high and low frequencies, ultra-stripped supernovae, cooling of low-mass white dwarfs, formation of millisecond pulsars, as well as X-ray binaries with neutron star and black hole accretors (such as HMXBs, LMXBs and ULXs).

In addition, we perform population synthesis and simulate e.g. the consequences of asymmetric supernova explosions in binaries.

We are active members of the science working groups for LISA and the Einstein Telescope, and we have participated in science activities for other instruments, e.g. SKA and eXTP. We work closely with radio pulsar observers in the fundamental physics group at the Max-Planck-Institute for Radio Astronomy in Bonn, Germany.


Prof. Thomas Tauris
E-mail: tauris@mp.aau.dk 
Tlf: +45 6196 7554