Simon has built a robot arm
Simons dream is to create a technology that can help sick people with practical tasks in their everyday life. Simon Christensen is studying Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing.
Jesper optimised a large supply chain
Jesper from Global Business Engineering has optimised the supply chain of a large manufacturer of sportswear. He has reduced the monthly reporting from 14 to 5 working days.
Isaac and Sigmund develops environmentally friendly chemistry
Isaac and Sigmund from Nanotechnology are working on the development of environmentally friendly chemistry.
Lasse has optimised lifeboats
Lasse from Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing has made lifeboats lighter and faster by optimising the material combination. It saves crucial seconds - and ultimately, this can in save lives.
All teaching is conducted according to the inter-disciplinary, problem-oriented “Aalborg University model” where students work in project teams and often in collaboration with industry or the public sector. Alongside this, the students are introduced to theories and methods through lectures, courses, and work in the laboratories, i.e. problem-oriented project work.
All teaching is research based, which means that students benefit from their teachers and professors being researchers themselves. Accordingly, all students gain access to the latest knowledge within their field. Furthermore, the courses are constructed for students to test and try out their theoretical skills on a practical basis in well-equipped and modern laboratories.