Rules and regulations (ENG & DA)

Rules and regulations (ENG & DA)

Diplompraktikrapport, to dage efter endt praktik
Semesterprojekt bachelor 18.12.24
Semesterprojekt kandidat 1. semester 18.12.24
Semesterprojekt kandidat 3. semester 3.1.25
Projektorienteret virksomhedsophold 3.1.25
Bachelorprojekt diplom 9.1.25
Bachelor + diplom
Semesterprojekt 2.+4. semester 23.5.25
Bachelorprojekt 6. semester 30.5.25
Semesterprojekt 2. semester 23.5.25
Speciale 30.5.25
Ovenstående er de generelle afleveringsfrister. Hvis du har aftalt en anden afleveringsdato med studienævnet, er det dén, der gælder.
Semester project bachelor 181224
Semester project master 1st semester 181224
Semester project master 3rd semester 030125
Project oriented company stay 030125
Semester project master 2nd semester 230525
Master's thesis 300525
The dates above are generel submission dates. If you have an agreement with the study board regarding another submission date, this is the applicable date.
Retningslinjer for brug af generativ AI på AAU, som gælder fra og med vintereksamen 2024/2025
Skriftlig eksamen
- Som udgangspunkt er brug af generativ AI tilladt på linje med alle andre hjælpemidler, medmindre andet eksplicit er beskrevet i oversigten over hjælpemidler for kurset.
- Hvis det fremgår at ingen hjælpemidler er tilladte, er generativ AI heller ikke tilladt.
- Hvis der fremgår en udtømmende liste over tilladte hjælpemidler, vil generativ AI alene være tilladt, hvis det fremgår på listen over tilladte hjælpemidler.
- Alle projektrapporter skal forsynes med et afsnit i forordet, der angiver, om og hvordan generativ AI er blevet brugt i projektrapporten, herunder hører også, hvis generativ AI er brugt til sprogforbedring.
Guidelines for use of generative AI at AAU, effective from the winter exam period 2024/2025
Written exams
- As a general rule, the use of generative AI is permitted on par with all other aids, unless otherwise explicitly stated in the list of permitted aids for the course.
- If the module description states that no aids are allowed, generative AI is also not permitted.
- If an exhaustive list of permitted aids is provided, generative AI will only be allowed if it is included in the list of permitted aids.
Project Reports
- All project reports must include a section in the preface indicating whether and how generative AI has been used in the project report, including if generative AI has been used for language improvement.”
Hvis du skal i diplompraktik, skal du udfylde en diplompraktikkontrakt. I linket findes retningslinjer og praktikkontrakt.
Dispensations are exemptions from the rules in force at the university and can only be granted in case of extraordinary circumstances (e.g. illness).
An application for dispensation must contain:
- Applicant’s name and CPR-no.
- A precise account of what is applied for
- Reason for the application
- Making probable that the dispensation can remedy the problem
- Medical certificate or other documentation
The study board cannot grant a dispensation due to lack of academic ability (e.g. that the exam was difficult or the student failed to prepare properly for the exam).
Application deadline
Your application for dispensation must be submitted in due time, i.e. no later than 7 work days before the study board’s next meeting.
Below you can read more detailed about dispensations regarding 4th examination attempt and first-year exam:
Dispensation to a 4th examination attempt
* Explain the reasons for not having passed your 3rd examination attempt
* Explain how you expect to pass the exam at the 4th attempt
* Explain how you will prepare yourself for the 4th attempt. We urge you to contact the student counsellor to make a study plan of action. The study plan must be submitted together with your application for dispensation.
Typically, only a so-called ‘extraordinary circumstance’ will result in a dispensation. If the study board cannot grant a dispensation to the 4th examination attempt, the student cannot continue the study programme, because the student concerned has exhausted his or hers examination attempts (cf. Ministerial Order on Admission and Enrolment on Bachelor Programmes at Universities, section 31) and the student’s enrolment will be terminated 14 days after the decision has been made.
Dispensation from first-year exam
The first-year exam consists of two requirements: attendance and passing. Both requirements must be fulfilled before the student can be allowed to continue the study programme.
Attendance: Before the end of the first study year at the bachelor of engineering programmes and the bachelor programmes the student must attend, i.e. get an assessment, all exams.
Passing: The student must pass all exams at the first and second semester before the end of the second study year after study start.
The study board may grant a dispensation in case of extraordinary circumstances.
Kun tilgængeligt på engelsk.
Principles for group formation and guidelines for splitting up project groups
The group formation process is an essential part of the project based learning approach, and the group formation greatly influences the students’ wellbeing and learning in the project work. Usually the group formation goes well without problems, but for some students the group formation can be experienced as problematic, chaotic and sometimes unpleasant and associated with exclusion.
A number of different stakeholders are involved in the group formation. The most important stakeholders are the students, the semester coordinators (who are overall responsible for the process) and the university in general (academic/pedagogical/didactic).
Group sizes
- 1st-2nd semester: 8 students per group
- 3rd-5th semester: 6 students per group
- 6th semester: 6 students per group
- 7th semester Bachelor of Engineering project: normally written individually
- 1st-2nd semester Master’s programme: 6 students per group
- 3rd semester Master’s programme: 3-4 students per group
- 4th semester Master’s thesis or extended Master’s thesis: max 3 students per group.
Different methods of group formation
Full student control
The students themselves control the group formation process. The semester coordinator defines the conditions for the group formation and supervises the process, including the number of groups based on the group sizes given above. The groups can be formed according to the topic, which the students wish to work with, and/or the persons the students wish to be in a group with. As a general rule, none of the groups are final until all groups are formed, and all students have become part of a group.
Based on previous experience, the group formation process is most effective if the students demonstrate:
- Honesty – state your opinion, but in a nice way
- Openness – say what you think in the situations that can/will arise in connection with the group formation and be open to new collaborations and ways of working together
- Respect – show your fellow students respect. Even when there is someone who you at first hand do not wish to be in a group with
- Responsibility – remember that you as a student are responsible for ensuring that the group formation goes well and that everyone is satisfied in the end.
If it turns out that a student wants to write alone this cannot be denied, but the student wishing to do an individual project should be aware that the number of supervision hours will be extremely limited (approximately 5-7 hours over an entire semester and likely no individual group room will be available). This does not apply to the 3rd and 4th semester of the Master’s programmes.
If it turns out that the other students refuse to accept one or more students in a group (it is impossible to close the groups) resulting in students involuntarily left without a group, it will be possible in certain cases to agree upon a ‘conditional’ admission to a group. The condition being that the group can formulate a set of relevant and useful guidelines regarding the collaboration and agree to strive to follow these guidelines.
It is the responsibility of the semester coordinator to supervise the group formation and to step in if the process reaches a deadlock. Normally, the semester coordinator is not present at the actual group formation but must be available in case of problems. If the students are not able to manage the group formation themselves, the semester coordinator must intervene, for example by dividing the groups administratively.
Partial student control
In some cases, it can be appropriate to control the group formation to a higher degree than with full student control, but in such a way that it is still possible for the students to have influence on the group formation. For example, students form subgroups which are later combined administratively.
Administrative group formation
In some cases, it may be an advantage to form the groups administratively. This is typically the case on the first semester of a study programme where the students do not know each other. By administrative group formation the groups can either be formed randomly, or they can be formed on the basis of personality tests from a wish to compose a group of students with different competences.
Guidelines for splitting up project groups
A project group can stop the collaboration and divide into smaller groups after active involvement of the project supervisor/semester coordinator, as described under item 2 below.
Since supervision resources are allocated proportionally to the number of students, the scope of project supervision for the new groups must be expected to be proportionately smaller.
The following set of rules apply in connection with splitting up a project group:
- Split up can take place no later than 4 weeks before the project submission.
- The supervisor/semester coordinator is involved as a mediator at a clarifying meeting where reestablishment agreements are decided. If such a meeting cannot be established, the communication must be in writing only. Likewise, the supervisor must approve the draft and later receive a copy of any written warnings sent to excluded members from the remaining part of the project group (see section 3). The Chairman of the Study Board and Head of Studies are involved only in special cases but are informed of a possible split.
- Upon exclusion, the excluded person(s) must have received a written warning from the remainder of the group and not have complied with the reestablishment requirements described in the warning prior to the exclusion. In the description of the reestablishment requirements, the time frame for the reestablishment must be stated. Immediately after the end of the period (which must be before the deadline for any split), the group and the supervisor must decide whether the requirements are met.
- The semester coordinator informs the study secretariat in event of a split up.
- All students in the group have equal rights to all material (documents, prototypes, experimental setups, etc.) that exists at the time of the split. This means that the material can be taken out of the group. Project reports are checked for plagiarism. It is therefore important that the preface of the project report specifies that the report submitted is the result of a partial cooperation with another group.
- In case of a spilt up, the remaining supervision time is shared between the remaining group and the student(s) leaving or being excluded by the group. Thus, no additional supervision is allocated.
Studerende må bruge høretelefoner til skriftlige eksamener. Høretelefonerne må være tilsluttet PC trådløst eller kablet. Brug af høretelefoner må ikke forstyrre medstuderende. Hvis eksamenstilsynet vurderer, at brugen af høretelefoner er forstyrrende, skal den studerende skrue ned for lyden. Hvis internet ikke er inkluderet i tilladte hjælpemidler til eksamenen, skal lydfiler og afspilningsprogram være downloadet på den studerendes computer og må således ikke streames fra ekstern kilde gennem hverken telefon, computer eller direkte til hovedtelefoner. Det er den studerendes ansvar at være i stand til at høre kollektive beskeder givet i eksamensrummet.
Der skal således ikke ansøges om at bruge høretelefoner.
Ovenstående regler gælder for uddannelser tilknyttet institut for Materialer og Produktion.
Students are allowed to use headphones at written examinations. The headphones can be wireless or connected to a PC. The use of headphones must not disturb other students in the examination room. If the invigilator assesses that the use of headphones is disturbing, the student must turn down the volume. If the internet is not allowed as a helping aid during the examination, audio files and programmes for playing must be downloaded at the student’s computer and the playing cannot be streamed through an external source neither on phone, computer nor directly to headphones. It is the student's responsibility to be able to hear a collective message given in the examination room.
Hence, it is not necessary for the student to apply for the use of headphones.
The rules apply for study programmes at department of Materials and Production.
Den kursusmodulansvarlige har en central rolle i planlægning og tilrettelæggelse af kursusundervisningen i overensstemmelse med studieordningen samt den løbende kvalitetssikring af undervisningen.
Nedenfor finder du funktionsbeskrivelsen for den kursusmodulansvarlige.
Funktionsbeskrivelse for kursusmodulansvarlig
The course module leader has a central role in planning and organising the course teaching in accordance with the curriculum and in the ongoing quality assurance of the teaching.
Below you will find the job description of the course module coordinator.
Merit betyder, at du får lov til at erstatte en del af din uddannelse med en anden aktivitet.
Forhåndsmerit gives, før du har bestået en aktivitet, og er dermed studienævnets tilsagn om, at du er garanteret merit for aktiviteten, såfremt du består den. Dette gælder især for udlandsophold.
Hvis du skal et semester til udlandet, er fristen for at søge forhåndsmerit nedenstående. Du kan læse mere om dette i punktet Udlandssemester.
Forhåndsmerit gældende for efterårssemestret: 1. april.
Forhåndsmerit gældende for forårssemestret: 1. oktober.
Endelig merit
For at få merit eller endelig merit på baggrund af en forhåndsmerit, skal du indsende dokumentation for dine beståede aktiviteter til studienævnet (det er ikke tilstrækkeligt at indsende dokumentation til Internationalt Kontor eller Optagelseskontoret).
Merit skal være godkendt i studienævnet inden semesterstart eller så hurtigt som muligt. Du skal beregne en måned til sagsbehandling. Merit for udlandsophold: så hurtigt som muligt efter du har afsluttet udlandsopholdet og helst inden den 1. februar/1. august.
Studienævn for Mekanik og Fysik:
Studienævn for Produktion:
A credit transfer means that you can replace an activity in your study programme with another activity.
Pre-approved credit transfer
A pre-approved credit transfer is granted before the activity is passed. Hence, the study board guarantees that you will get a credit transfer when the pre-approved activity has been passed.
If you are going a semester to another university, the deadline for applying for a pre-approved credit transfer is:
Spring semester: April 1
Autumn semester: October 1
More information can be found in the section Udlandsophold/Stay at another university or institution.
Final credit transfer
To have a credit transfer or a final credit transfer based on a pre-approved credit transfer, send your transcript of records to the study board (it is not sufficient to send the documentation to International Office).
The credit transfer should be approved by the study board before semester start or as soon as possible. This process can take up to a month.
Study board for Mechanics and Physics:
Study board for Production:
Hvis du har brug for at gå til eksamen online, skal du søge studienævnet om dispensation.
Udfyld blanketten til ansøgning om dispensation (findes under Dispensation). Ansøgningen skal være begrundet. Ansøgningen sendes til det relevante studienævn.
Hvis du får dispensation, skal du udfylde en tro og lov erklæring og sende til studiesekretæren senest 2 hverdage før eksamenen. Hvis du ikke gør det, bruger du et prøveforsøg.
Studienævn for Produktion,
Studienævn for Mekanik og Fysik,
Særlige regler for online skriftlige eksamener
Studienævnet har til ansvar at sikre, at sikkerhedsforanstaltningerne i forbindelse med afholdelse af en digital prøve svarer til, hvad der almindeligvis gælder for afvikling af prøven. Hvis du får dispensation til at tage en skriftlig eksamen online, er du ansvarlig for at finde en person, der kan være eksamenstilsyn for dig under eksamen. Studienævnet skal godkende personen som eksamenstilsyn. Du vil få mere information i godkendelsesmailen fra studienævnet.
If you see a necessity to conduct an examination online instead of being present physically, you should apply the study board for an exemption.
Fill in the application for dispensation (see section Dispensation/Student exemptions). The application must be substantiated. Send the application to the relevant study board.
If you are granted an exemption, you must fill in a Solemn declaration (second option in the link is in English) and send to the study secretary no later than two workdays before the exam. If you miss the deadline, you use an examination attempt.
Study board for Production,
Study board for Mechanics and Physics,
Special rules for online written exams
The Study board must ensure that the security measures for online examinations correspond to those that normally apply when conducting exams physically. If you are granted an exemption to take an exam online, you are responsible for finding a person that can act as vigilator and be together with you during the exam. The person should be approved by the study board as vigilator. You will receive more information in the approval e-mail from the study board.
Som studerende eller ansat ved Aalborg Universitet (AAU) har man kontakt med mange former for medier. Disse er omfattet af ophavsretsloven og på denne side får du et overblik over de elementer af loven, du bør vide noget om, når du anvender, tekster, billeder, film eller andre medieformer i din tilknytning med universitetet.
Ophavsret på Aalborg Universitet
As a student or employee at Aalborg University (AAU), you are in touch with many different types of media. All of these are comprised by the copyright act. This page provides you with important information regarding those elements of copyright law that you - as an affilate of AAU - should know about before you use texts, pictures, film, or any other type of media .
Copyright on Aalborg University
Kun tilgængeligt på engelsk.
Workshop: aligning study competences with the aau pbl model
This workshop aims to introduce new students just entering AAU at the Master level to the AAU PBL model. The introduction includes the theoretical pillars of PBL, the specific characteristics of the AAU PBL model compared to other PBL models as well as the overall implications of PBL on teaching and study practice.
Furthermore, students are facilitated to state their understanding of PBL based on the introduction as well as previous study experience and discuss the transfer of study-competences from other study environments to the AAU PBL environment.
The ambition is that after this workshop, students can outline current competences that will strengthen their future PBL practice at AAU and furthermore formulate personal learning objectives to develop specific PBL qualifications.
I forbindelse med udarbejdelse af projektrapporter er der en række retningslinjer for omfang og format for den enkelte rapport - disse retningslinjer gælder medmindre andet er angivet i uddannelsens studievejledning.
Semester og maksimum antal sider
2400 anslag pr. side (incl. mellemrum)
- Bachelor 1. semester P0/P1 (20/60)
- Bachelor 2.-5. semester (80)
- Bachelor 6. semester (80)
- Diplomingeniør praktikrapport (30)
- Afsluttende diplomingeniørrapport (50)
- Master 1. - 2. semester (80)
- Master 3. semester 1 student/more students (60/80)
- Master 4. semester 1 student/more students (60/100)
- Master 3.-4. semester 1 student/more students (90/130)
Sidetallet tælles fra første rapportside til og med konklusionen. Følgende tæller ikke med i sideantallet:
- forside
- forord
- indholdsfortegnelse
- resumé
- litteraturliste
- bilag
- blanke sider i forbindelse med kapitelstart på højresider
Sider udover det tilladte sideantal medtages ikke i bedømmelsen ved projekteksamen.
Layout på projektrapporterne er op til den enkelte gruppe, så længe man holder sig inden for følgende rammer:
Der skal anvendes A4-format
Linjeafstand skal være minimum 1,2
Fontstørrelsen skal være minimum 11
Minimum 2 cm margin
Bachelorprojekter, diplombachelorprojekter og kandidatspecialer skal indeholde et resumé. Hvis rapporten er skrevet på dansk, skal resuméet være på engelsk. Hvis rapporten er skrevet på engelsk, kan resumeet være på dansk eller engelsk. Resuméet indgår i helhedsvurderingen af rapporten.
For øvrige semesterprojekter er det valgfrit, om rapporten forsynes med et resumé, og sproget er valgfrit mellem dansk og engelsk.
- skal være på 1-2 sider med samme skriftstørrelse og layout som projektets øvrige sider
- indsættes i projektet mellem titelsiden og indholdsfortegnelsen
- er en sammenfatning af opgavens mål, metode, hovedpunkter og konklusion
- skal give en læser med en almen fagrelevant baggrund et hurtigt overblik over emnet
Ovenstående er studienævnenes udmøntning af Uddannelsesbekendtgørelsens §61 og Bekendtgørelse om uddannelserne til professionsbachelor som diplomingeniør §14.
Tidligere har projekter skulle indeholde et titelblad. Dette er blevet afskaffet.
Generativ AI
Det skal angives i projektet, hvis generativ AI har været brugt til sprogforbedringer i projektet.
Guidelines for project reports.
Semester and maximum number of pages
2400 characters per page (including space)
- Bachelor 1. semester P0/P1 (20/60)
- Bachelor 2. - 5. semester (80)
- Bachelor 6. semester (80)
- Master 1. - 2. semester (80)
- Master 3. semester 1 student/more students (60/80)
- Master 4. semester 1 student/more student (60/100)
- Master 3.-4. semester 1 student/more students (90/130)
The number of pages is counted from the first report page and until the conclusion. The following is not included in the total number of report pages:
- front page
- preface
- table of content
- summary
- reference list
- blank pages in connection with the beginning of a new chapter
- appendix
Pages that exceed a report's allowed number of pages will not be included in the assessment of the report.
In connection with format and layout following guidelines must be followed:
A4 format must be used
Spacing must be minimum 1,2
Font size must be minimum 11
Margins must be at least 2 cm.
The final project reports at bachelor of science and bachelor of engineering study programmes as well as the master’s thesis must include a summary. If the report is written in English, the summary can be written in Danish or English. If the report is written in Danish, the summary must be in English. The summary is included in the evaluation of the project report as a whole.
For semester project reports, it is optional if the project includes a summary. If a summary is included, it is optional if it is written in English or Danish.
The summary
- must be 1-2 pages written in the same font size and with the same spacing as the report
- must be placed between the title page and the table of content
- is an outline of the report's goal, method, main points and conclusion
- should give a reader with a common background within the given academic field an overview of the content of the report
Generative AI
It must be declared in the project, if generative AI has been used for language improvement in the project.
The guidelines are implemented by the study boards in compliance with the Danish Uddannelsesbekendtgørelsen §61 and Bekendtgørelse om uddannelserne til professionsbachelor som diplomingeniør §14.
Project guidance
Each project group is placed under the guidance of a specialized supervisor, who helps the group with its academic work and progress in the form of advice and suggestions. The supervisor is typically either a professor, associate professor, assistant professor or other type of post-graduate faculty member. Especially during the initial period at the University when the students have to get used to the project-oriented form of study, it is helpful to have a supervisor to confer with on academic matters and use as a source of inspiration. However, it is the responsibility of the group itself to define, write and complete the project work.
A project-oriented stay in a company is possible on the 3rd semester of the master’s programme.
Quick guide to project-oriented stay in a company:
- Enroll for the activity in STADS self service in the registration period.
- Fill in Agreement on project-oriented stay in a company, link below.
- Project period: 1 September - 31 January. Submission of project report: Early January (see deadline in Digital Exam). Project collaboration with company can end at the end of January.
- Deadline for approval of agreement by study board: the sooner the better and always before semester start. Send to the study board, contact information below. The study board only approves when student, organization representative, and AAU semester coordinator has signed.
- Students are not allowed to receive salary for the project work in the company.
- NDA (non-disclosure agreement) should only be made by request from the company. AAUs NDA template should not be approved by the study board. If the company wishes to use their own NDA, contact head of studies, Thomas D. Brunø, before semester start.
Agreement on project oriented stay in a company (word)
Guidelines on projectoriented stay in a companyContact information:
Study board of Production:
Study board of Mechanics and Physics:
Hvert semester skal evalueres i en semesterevalueringsrapport. Semesterkoordinatoren udfylder rapporten på baggrund af den kvantitative semesterevaluering (SurveyXact) samt semestergruppemødereferater.
Den udfyldte semesterevalueringsrapport fremsendes til studienævnet.
Skabelon til semesterevaluering
Skabelon til semestergruppemøde
Each semester is to be evaluated in a semester evaluation report. The semester coordinator writes the report on the basis of the quantitative semester evaluation (SurveyXact) and the minutes from the semester group meetings.
The completed semester evaluation report is sent to the study board.
Semesterkoordinatoren har en central rolle i koordinering og løbende kvalitetssikring af undervisningen. Koordinatoren refererer til studienævnet og står for den konkrete planlægning, styring, monitorering og evaluering af semestrets undervisning og øvrige faglige aktiviteter. Koordinatoren udøver sin funktion gennem regelmæssige møder med studerende (via semesterintroduktion, semestergruppemøder, semesterevaluering m.m.) og undervisere på semestret.
- Funktionsbeskrivelse for semesterkoordinatorer
- Vejledning for semesterkoordinatorer m.fl.
- Skabelon til semestergruppemødereferat
The semester coordinator has a central role in the coordination and continuous quality assurance of teaching. The coordinator refers to the study board and is responsible for the concrete planning, controlling, monitoring and evaluation of teaching and additional activities during the semester. The coordinator performs his or hers function through meetings on a regular basis with students (via semester introduction, semester group meetings, semester evaluation etc.) and lecturers
Blanket/form (in English only)
Specialekontrakten, underskrevet af den/de studerende og vejleder, skal afleveres til godkendelse ved studienævnet senest en måned efter semesterstart. Såfremt der er et behov for fortrolighedserklæring, bør studienævnet kontaktes. Til inspiration findes der skabeloner til samarbejdsaftaler her.
The thesis contract, signed by the student(s) and supervisor, must be handed in for approval by the study board no later than a month after semester start. If a NDA is needed, please contact the study board. Standard NDA forms can also be found here.
Study at another university on 3rd semester of the master’s programme
If you wish to study at another university during the master’s programme, 3rd semester is suitable for this. The 3rd semester curriculum is structured in a flexible way, allowing you to find courses of interest within your field of study and getting a credit transfer when you return to AAU.
How to find a relevant university
In the International Office’s information base you can search for cooperation agreements between Aalborg University and other universities – these agreements facilitate the enrollment process. At the homepage of International Office, you can find guides and information regarding a stay abroad.
It is also possible to visit another Danish university.
How to apply for intake at another university
Each university may have its own application process and deadlines. It is your responsibility to apply for enrollment at the university of interest.
How to inform my AAU study programme about a semester at another university
Before you go to another university, your plan for the semester has to be preapproved by the semester coordinator and the study board. This is your guarantee that you can get a credit transfer for the passed modules, when you return to AAU.
Fill in the application form and send it to the semester coordinator and subsequently to the study board for approval.
Nice to know about choice of courses at the other university
- It is a good idea to find and get a preapproval of 45-60 ECTS of modules as not all courses may be offered when you arrive at the other university.
You need to pass courses equivalent to 30 ECTS. - A course followed at the other university cannot be evaluated at AAU.
- Ensure that you have the qualifications to follow and pass the chosen courses.
- All courses should be at master’s level.
- All courses should be relevant to your study program and at least 22,5 ECTS should directly relate to your study at AAU and should be offered by the engineering faculty of the university.
- Document the faculty affiliation and level of the selected courses in your application for pre-approval.
How to confirm English proficiency level
If the foreign university request a confirmation of the student's English level, the template for English proficiency level can be used:
Template for English proficiency level
Application deadline at AAU
For stays in the autumn semester: April 1st
For stays in the spring semester: October 1st
What to do upon your return to AAU
When you return to AAU, you should send the transcript of records to the study board. The study board will make the final credit transfer in STADS. Please observe that your record for the semester remains empty until the study board receives the transcript and is able to grant you a credit transfer.
What to do if you do not pass a full semester
If you unfortunately do not pass all modules at the other university, you should get in contact with the study board as soon as possible in order to make a plan.
Contact information
A study programme is affiliated with a study board. Please contact the relevant study board for approval or regarding requests. If in doubt which study board to contact, check the affiliation of your master’s program in the curriculum, §5:
Study board of Production:
Study board of Mechanics and Physics:
Study at another university on a bachelor study or on a master study 1st, 2nd or 4th semester
If you wish to study at another university on any other semester than 3rd semester master’s level, please contact the study board to seek out the opportunities.
Retningslinjer for årets underviser
I alle studienævn for heltidsuddannelser indstilles en kandidat til Årets Underviser ved det pågældende studienævn.
Studenterrepræsentanterne for de respektive semestre tager initiativ til at finde en kandidat og udarbejder en skriftlig indstilling. Studienævnet udpeger Årets Underviser på et møde i maj (eller ved denne tid) . Indstillingerne sendes til studienævnssekretæren.
Indstillingerne skal begrundes i engagement og kvalitet i:
- Forelæsninger
- Vejledning
- Undervisningsmateriale
- Undervisningsplanlægning
Se Det Ingeniør- og Naturvidenskabelige Fakultets retningslinjer for Årets Underviser.
Only available in danish.