Quality assurance

Quality assurance

Plan for evaluation at ENGINEERING.
Read more about quality assurance at Aalborg University (only Danish version)
- Eva Marie Althoff Schäfer, emas@mp.aau.dk
- Lise Suhr Mogensen, lsm@mp.aau.dk
Policy for study workplaces at ENGINEERING
Download Policy For Student Workplaces At ENGINEERING (English) (pdf)
Download Politik for studiearbejdspladser ved ENGINEERING (Danish) (pdf)
Evaluation of study activities - Bachelor and Diploma 1 semester
This will be released later in the fall.
Plan for evaluation of study activities 1 semester
Studyboard of Mechanics and Physics
Evaluation of study activities 1 semester autumn 2023
Minutes from studyboard meeting regarding evaluering of study activities 1 semester autumn 2023
Studyboard of Production
Evaluation of study activities 1 semester autumn 2023
Minutes from studyboard meeting regarding evaluering of study activities 1 semester autumn 2023
Plan for evaluation of study activities 1 semester
Studyboard of Mechanics and Physics
Evaluation of study activities 1 semester autumn 2022
Minutes from studyboard meeting regarding evaluering of study activities 1 semester autumn 2022
Studyboard of Production
Evaluation of study activities 1 semester autumn 2022
Minutes from studyboard meeting regarding evaluering of study activities 1 semester autumn 2022
Evaluation of study activities
This will be released later in the fall.
Note that some evaluations have not been published here, due to a low number of respondents.
Studyboard of Mechanics and Physics
Minutes of studyboard meeting regarding evaluation of study activities
1. semester Fysik og Teknologi
7. semester Fysik og Teknologi med specialisering i Nanobioteknologi
7. semester Fysik og Teknologi med specialisering i Nanomaterialer og Nanofysik
1. semester Mekanik og Produktion
3. semester Mekanik og Produktion
5. semester Mekanik og Produktion
9. semester Materialeteknologi
7. semester Elektromekanisk Systemdesign
9. semester Elektromekanisk Systemdesign
7. semester Design af Mekaniske Systemer
9. semester Design af Mekaniske Systemer
7. semester Virksomhedsteknologi
9. semester Virksomhedsteknologi
Studyboard of Production
Minutes of studyboard meeting regarding evaluation of study activities
1. semester BA Globale forretningssystemer
3. semester BA Globale forretningssystemer
5. semester BA Globale forretningssystemer
1. semester Diplom i Globale forretningssystemer
3. semester Diplom i Globale forretningssystemer
5. semester Diplom i Globale forretningssystemer
7. semester Operations and Innovation Management
The evaluations will be posted below when the studyboards have processed the data at studyboard meetings in spring 2023.
Studyboard of Mechanics and Physics
Minutes of studyboard meeting regarding evaluation of study activities
2. semester nanoteknologi - no active link (less than 3 respondents)
4. semester nanoteknologi - no active link (less than 3 respondents)
6. semester nanoteknologi - no active link (less than 3 respondents)
8. semester Nanobiotechnology - no active link (less than 3 respondents)
10. semester Nanobiotechnology
8. semester Materials and Nanotechnology with Specialisation in Material Technologi - no active link (less than 3 respondents)
10. semester Materials and Nanotechnology with Specialisation in Material Technologi - no active link (less than 3 respondents)
8. semester Nanomaterials and -physics - no active link (less than 3 respondents)
10. semester Nanomaterials and -physics - no active link (less than 3 respondents)
8. semester Design of Mechanical Systems
10. semester Design of Mechanical Systems
8. semester Electro Mechanical System Design
10. semester Electro Mechanical System Design - no active link (less than 3 respondents)
2. semester fysik - no active link (less than 3 respondents)
6. semester fysik - no active link (less than 3 respondents)
8. semester fysik - no active link (less than 3 respondents)
10. semester fysik - no active link (less than 3 respondents)
8. semester Manufacturing Technology
10. semester Manufacturing Technology
2. semester mekanik og produktion
4. semester mekanik og produktion
6. semester mekanik og produktion
Studyboard of Production
Minutes of studyboard meeting regarding evaluation of study activities
2. semester BA Globale forretningssystemer
2. semester Diplom Globale forretningssystemer
4. semester BA Globale forretningssystemer
4. semester Diplom Globale forretningssystemer
6. semester BA Globale forretningssystemer
6. semester Diplom Globale forretningssystemer
8. semester Operations and Innovation Management
10. semester Operations and Innovation Management - no active link (less than three respondents)
8. semester Operations and Supply Chain Management
10. semester Operations and Supply Chain Management
7. semester Production - no active link (no respondents)
The evaluations will be posted below when the studyboards have processed the data at studyboard meetings in spring 2023.
Studyboard of Mechanics and Physics
Minutes of studyboard meeting regarding evaluation of study activities
3. semester nanoteknologi - no active link (less than 3 respondents)
7. semester Nanobiotechnology - no active link (less than 3 respondents)
7. semester Materials and Nanotechnology with Specialisation in Material Technologi - no active link (less than 3 respondents)
7. semester Nanomaterials and -physics - no active link (less than 3 respondents)
9. semester Nanomaterials and -physics - no responses
7. semester Design of Mechanical Systems
9. semester Design of Mechanical Systems
7. semester Electro Mechanical System Design
9. semester Electro Mechanical System Design
1. semester fysik - no active link (less than 3 respondents)
9. semester Physics - no active link (less than 3 respondents)
7. semester maskinteknik - no active link (less than 3 respondents)
7. semester Manufacturing Technology
9. semester Manufacturing Technology - no active link (less than 3 respondents)
1. semester mekanik og produktion
3. semester mekanik og produktion
5. semester mekanik og produktion
Studyboard of Production
Minutes of studyboard meeting regarding evaluation of study activities
1. semester globale forretningssystemer
3. semester globale forretningssystemer
5. semester globale forretningssystemer
7. semester Globale forretningssystemer - no active link
7. semester Operations and Innovation Management
9. semester Operations and Innovation Management - no active link (less than 3 respondents)
7. semester Operations and Supply Chain Management
9. semester Operations and Supply Chain Management
10. semester Production - no active link (no respondents)
Studyboard of Mechanics and Physics
Minutes of studyboard meeting regarding evaluation of study activities
10. semester Nanobiotechnology
8. semester Nanomaterials and -physics
10. semester Nanomaterials and -physics
8. semester Design of Mechanical Systems
10. semester Design of Mechanical Systems
8. semester Electro Mechanical System Design
10. semester Electro Mechanical System Design
2. semester Fysik - no responses
4. semester Fysik - no responses
6. semester Fysik - no responses
8. semester Physics - no responses
10. semester Physics - no responses
2. semester fysik med sidefag inden for naturvidenskab
2. semester fysik med sidefag i idræt
4. semester fysik med sidefag inden for naturvidenskab
2. semester Maskin og produktion
4. semester Maskin og produktion
6. semester Maskin og produktion
8. semester Manufacturing Technology
10. semester Manufacturing Technology
2. semester Maskinteknik (AAL)
2. semester Maskinteknik (ESB)
4. semester Maskinteknik (AAL)
4. semester Maskinteknik (ESB)
6. semester Maskinteknik (AAL)
6. semester Maskinteknik (ESB)
Studyboard of Production
Minutes of studyboard meeting regarding evaluation of study activities
8. semester Entrepreneurial Engineering - no respondents
10. semester Entrepreneurial Engineering - no respondents
7. semester Cand.tech. Production
9. semester Cand.tech. Production
2. semester BA Globale forretningssystemer - no respondents
2. semester Diplom Globale forretningssystemer
4. semester BA Globale forretningssystemer
4. semester Diplom Globale forretningssystemer
6. semester BA Globale forretningssystemer
6. semester Diplom Globale forretningssystemer - no active link (less than three respondents)
8. semester Operations and Innovation Management
10. semester Operations and Innovation Management
8. semester Operations and Management Engineering - no active link (less than three respondents)
10. semester Operations and Management Engineering - no active link (less than three respondents)
8. semester Operations and Supply Chain Management
10. semester Operations and Supply Chain Management - no active link (less than three respondents)
Studyboard of Mechanics and Physics
Minutes of studyboard meeting regarding evaluation of study activities
7. semester Nanomaterials and -physics - no active link (less than 5 respondents)
9. semester Nanomaterials and -physics
7. semester Design of Mechanical Systems
9. semester Design of Mechanical Systems
7. semester Electro Mechanical System Design
9. semester Electro Mechanical System Design
1. semester Fysik - no active link (less than 5 respondents)
3./5. semester Fysik - no active link (less than 5 respondents)
7. semester Physics - no active link - no active link (less than 5 respondents)
9. semester Physics - no active link (less than 5 respondents)
1. semester Maskinteknik (Esbjerg)
1. semester Maskinteknik (Aalborg)
3. semester Maskinteknik (Esbjerg)
3. semester Maskinteknik (Aalborg)
5. semester Maskinteknik (Esbjerg)
5. semester Maskinteknik (Aalborg)
7. semester Maskinteknik (Esbjerg)
7. semester Maskinteknik (Aalborg) - no active link (less than 5 respondents)
7. semester Manufacturing Technology
9. semester Manufacturing Technology
1. semester Mekanik og Produktion
3. semester Mekanik og Produktion
5. semester Mekanik og Produktion
Studyboard of Production
Minutes of studyboard meeting regarding evaluation of study activities
1. semester Globale forretningssystemer (Bachelor)
3. semester Globale forretningssystemer (Bachelor)
5. semester Globale forretningssystemer (Bachelor
1. semester Globale forretningssystemer (Diplom) - no active link (less than 5 respondents)
3. semester Globale forretningssystemer (Diplom)
5. semester Globale forretningssystemer (Diplom) - no active link (no respondents)
7. semester Globale forretningssystemer (Diplom) - no active link (no respondents)
7. semester Operations and Innovation Management - no active link (less than 5 respondents)
9. semester Operations and Innovation Management
7. semester Operations and Supply Chain Management
Studyboard of Mechanics and Physics
Minutes of studyboard meeting regarding evaluation of study activities
2. semester Nano - no active link (less than five respondents)
4. semester Nano - no active link (less than five respondents)
8. semester Nanobiotechnology - no active link (less than five respondents)
10. semester Nanobiotechnology - no active link (less than five respondents)
6. semester Nanomaterials and -physics - no responses
8. semester Nanomaterials and -physics
10. semester Nanomaterials and -physics - no active link (less than five respondents)
8. semester Design of Mechanical Systems
10. semester Design of Mechanical Systems - no active link (less than five respondents)
8. semester Electro Mechanical System Design - no active link (less than five respondents)
10. semester Electro Mechanical System Design - no active link (less than five respondents)
2. semester Fysik - no active link (less than five respondents)
4. semester Fysik - no active link (less than five respondents)
6. semester Fysik - no responses
8. semester Physics - no responses
10. semester Physics - no responses
2. semester Maskin og produktion
4. semester Maskin og produktion
6. semester Maskin og produktion
8. semester Manufacturing Technology
10. semester Manufacturing Technology - no active link (less than five respondents)
2. semester Maskinteknik (AAL)
2. semester Maskinteknik (ESB) - no active link (less than five respondents)
4. semester Maskinteknik (AAL) - no active link (less than five respondents)
4. semester Maskinteknik (ESB) - no active link (less than five respondents)
6. semester Maskinteknik (AAL)
6. semester Maskinteknik (ESB)
Studyboard of Production
Minutes of studyboard meeting regarding evaluation of study activities
8. semester Entrepreneurial Engineering - no active link (less than five respondents)
10. semester Entrepreneurial Engineering - no active link (less than five respondents)
7. semester Cand.tech. Production - no active link (less than five respondents)
9. semester Cand.tech. Production - no active link (less than five respondents)
2. semester BA Globale forretningssystemer
2. semester Diplom Globale forretningssystemer - no active link (less than five respondents)
4. semester BA Globale forretningssystemer - no active link (less than five respondents)
4. semester Diplom Globale forretningssystemer - no responses
6. semester BA Globale forretningssystemer
6. semester Diplom Globale forretningssystemer - no active link (less than five respondents)
8. semester Operations and Innovation Management - no active link (less than five respondents)
10. semester Operations and Innovation Management - no active link (less than five respondents)
8. semester Operations and Management Engineering - no active link (less than five respondents)
10. semester Operations and Management Engineering - no active link (less than five respondents)
8. semester Operations and Supply Chain Management - no active link (less than five respondents)
10. semester Operations and Supply Chain Management - no active link (less than five respondents)
10. semester Værdikæder og teknisk ledelse - no responses
Studyboard of Mechanics and Physics
Minutes of studyboard meeting regarding evaluation of study activities
9. semester Nanobiotechnology- no active link (less than 5 respondents)
7. semester Nanomaterials and -physics- no active link (less than 5 respondents)
9. semester Nanomaterials and -physics- no active link (less than 5 respondents)
7. semester Design of Mechanical Systems
9. semester Design of Mechanical Systems- no active link (less than 5 respondents)
7. semester Electro Mechanical System Design- no active link (less than 5 respondents)
9. semester Electro Mechanical System Design - no active link (less than 5 respondents)
7. semester Physics - no active link
9. semester Physics - no active link (less than 5 respondents)
1. semester Maskinteknik (Esbjerg)
1. semester Maskinteknik (Aalborg)
3. semester Maskinteknik (Esbjerg)
3. semester Maskinteknik (Aalborg)
5. semester Maskinteknik (Esbjerg)
5. semester Maskinteknik (Aalborg)
7. semester Maskinteknik - no active link (less than 5 respondents)
7. semester Manufacturing Technology - no active link
9. semester Manufacturing Technology - no active link
1. semester Mekanik og Produktion
3. semester Mekanik og Produktion
5. semester Mekanik og Produktion
Studyboard of Production
Minutes of studyboard meeting regarding evaluation of study activities
1. semester Entrepreneurial Engineering- no active link (less than 5 respondents)
3. semester Entrepreneurial Engineering
1. semester Globale forretningssystemer
3. semester Globale forretningssystemer
5. semester Globale forretningssystemer
3. semester Eksportteknologi- no active link (less than 5 respondents)
5. semester Eksportteknologi- no active link (less than 5 respondents)
7. semester Eksportteknologi- no active link (less than 5 respondents)
7. semester Operations and Innovation Management
9. semester Operations and Innovation Management- no active link (less than 5 respondents)
7. semester Operations and Management Engineering - no active link
9. semester Operations and Management Engineering - no active link (less than 5 respondents)
7. semester Operations and Supply Chain Management- no active link (less than 5 respondents)
9. semester Operations and Supply Chain Management
10. semester Production- no active link (less than 5 respondents)
Studyboard of Mechanics and Physics
Minutes of studyboard meeting regarding evaluation of study activities
4. semester Nanoteknologi - no active link (less than five respondents)
10. semester Nanobiotechnology - no active link
6. semester Nanomaterials and -physics - no active link
8. semester Nanomaterials and -physics
10. semester Nanomaterials and -physics - no active link (less than five respondents)
8. semester Design of Mechanical Systems - no active link (less than five respondents)
10. semester Design of Mechanical Systems - no active link (less than five respondents)
8. semester Electro Mechanical System Design - no active link (less than five respondents)
10. semester Electro Mechanical System Design - no active link (less than five respondents)
2. semester Fysik - no active link
4. semester Fysik - no active link
6. semester Fysik - no active link
8. semester Physics - no active link (less than five respondents)
10. semester Physics - no active link (less than five respondents)
2. semester Maskin og produktion
4. semester Maskin og produktion
6. semester Maskin og produktion
8. semester Manufacturing Technology - no active link (less than five respondents)
10. semester Manufacturing Technology - no active link (less than five respondents)
Studyboard of Production
Minutes of studyboard meeting regarding evaluation of study activities
2. semester Globale forretningssystemer
4. semester Globale forretningssystemer
6. semester Globale forretningssystemer
7. semester Eksportteknologi - no active link
8. semester Operations and Innovation Management
10. semester Operations and Innovation Management
8. semester Operations and Management Engineering - no active link
10. semester Operations and Management Engineering - no active link
8. semester Operations and Supply Chain Management
10. semester Operations and Supply Chain Management - no active link
10. semester Værdikæder og teknisk ledelse - no active link
Evaluation of study environment (Danish)
Hvert år følger institut for Materialer og Produktion op på de ønsker til studiemiljøet, som de studerende har angivet i semesterevalueringer og semestergruppereferater. Nedenfor kan du se, hvad der er indberettet for det enkelte år, og hvad der er afklaret.
Når instituttet vurderer, at et ønske til studiemiljøet kan imødekommes, videreformidles ønsket til Campus Services, da det netop er Campus Services, der har ansvaret for at sikre optimale fysiske rammer for undervisnings- og forskningsaktiviteter på AAU.
Udfordringer, der vedrører IT, videreformidles til AAU IT Services (ITS).
Længere nede på denne side kan du kan finde Campus Services og ITS' årsrapporter.
Hvis du støder på udfordringer i det fysiske studiemiljø, har du mulighed for selv at melde det til Campus Service via deres Building Support app.
Recruitment panel
The Recruitment Panel of the Department of Materials and Production is an important part of the department's efforts to ensure an ongoing dialogue with the potential employers of our graduates.
We want close cooperation with the surrounding society to ensure that our educations match the skills and competencies that the labor market demands.
This will give our students the best possible conditions for employment after graduation. Establishment of recruitment panels is part of the ongoing and systematic general quality assurance of the programs at Aalborg University.
The recruitment panels are established as an advisory contact forum for strengthening and ensuring the quality and professional relevance of the educations.
- Jacob Böhme Christensen, JKF Industri A/S
- Jakob Vernersen, Velux
- Lars Lilleheden, LM Wind Power
- Lasse Ledet, Grundfos
- Michael Staal Axelsen, Fibertex Personal Care
- Michael Vaag, selvstændig konsulent inden for produktionsudvikling
- Rikke Palmgren, Aalborg Tekniske Gymnasium
- Stig Person, Alfa Laval Aalborg
- Svend Høstgaard Bang Henriksen, Novozymes A/S
- Thomas Ditlev Brunø, studieleder (formand)
- Jens Chr. Rauhe, instittuleder
- Jørgen Asbøll Kepler, Studienævnet for Mekanik og Fysik
- Rikke Vestergaard Matthiesen, Studienævnet for Produktion
- Frederikke Møller Pedersen, Studienævnet for Produktion (studerende)
- Zacharias Møller Jakobsen, Studienævnet for Mekanik og Fysik (studerende)
- Astrid Heidemann Lassen, sektionsleder Production
- Lars Rosgaard Jensen, sektionsleder Physics and Mechanics
- 15 April 2024
- 12 April 2023
- 21 April 2022
- 2021 cancelled
- 2020 cancelled
- 5 March 2019