Department of Materials and Production
Operations Research

Department of Materials and Production
Operations Research

We solve complex problems, which require high-level modelling, data analysis and management as well as developing solution algorithms using mathematical and computational approaches. Our theoretical basis for modelling and algorithm development is multidisciplinary covering computer science, operations research and applied mathematics.
In general, we consider not only method and algorithm development, but also implementation and testing in real environments. As a result, our methods and models have been implemented in decision support systems or prototypes in complex environment within manufacturing, agriculture, healthcare, supply chains, transportation and defense.
We have a particular interest in autonomous cyber-physical systems and decisions related to these. We work with a wide range of such systems spanning AGV, UAVs, USVs, satellites, High Altitude Pseudo Satellites and many others. We develop and implement among others planning, scheduling, routing and path finding algorithms.
Due to the stochastic elements and unpredicted events that appear in many real-world applications we also focus on real-time decision making in highly dynamic environments.

Assoc. Prof. Peter Nielsen
Tlf: +45 2479 4687
Operations Research