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AR G2 Rheometer, TA Instruments

Rheometer for testing of viscoelastic properties.


AR G2 Rheometer, TA Instruments

Rheometer for testing of viscoelastic properties.

Instrument specifications:

  • Minimum Torque Oscillation   0.003 μN.m
  • Minimum Torque Steady   0.01 μN.m
  • Maximum Torque   200 mN.m Torque
  • Resolution   0.1 nN.m
  • Angular Velocity Range   0 to 300 rad/s
  • Frequency Range   7.5E-7 to 628 rad/s
  • Normal/Axial Force Range   0.005 to 50 N
  • Peltier Plate  -40 to 200 °C


  • Environmetal test chamber(ETC)  -160 to 600 °C