
Department of Materials and Production

Department of Materials and Production

PhD Defense by Maria Støttrup Schiønning Larsen

Join us at the PhD Defense titled: Manufacturing Innovation: Engineering an Innovation Approach to Industry 4.0.

Department of Materials and Production

AAU Innovate, Thomas Manns Vej 25 - Aud. C-004

  • 08.12.2023 09:00 - 12:00

  • English

  • On location

Department of Materials and Production

AAU Innovate, Thomas Manns Vej 25 - Aud. C-004

08.12.2023 09:00 - 12:0008.12.2023 09:00 - 12:00


On location

Department of Materials and Production

PhD Defense by Maria Støttrup Schiønning Larsen

Join us at the PhD Defense titled: Manufacturing Innovation: Engineering an Innovation Approach to Industry 4.0.

Department of Materials and Production

AAU Innovate, Thomas Manns Vej 25 - Aud. C-004

  • 08.12.2023 09:00 - 12:00

  • English

  • On location

Department of Materials and Production

AAU Innovate, Thomas Manns Vej 25 - Aud. C-004

08.12.2023 09:00 - 12:0008.12.2023 09:00 - 12:00


On location

Manufacturing Innovation: Engineering an Innovation Approach to Industry 4.0

From the perspective of innovation, Industry 4.0 demands radical transformations of the manufacturing system, also referred to as manufacturing innovation. Despite extensive interest from industry, the translation of the visionary concept of Industry 4.0 into operational solutions remains challenging posing new requirements for how to approach manufacturing innovation, among others due to the increasing complexity and lack of transparency in the process. To support the adoption of Industry 4.0, this dissertation aims to establish a systemic approach to manufacturing innovation for Industry 4.0 encompassing both technical and human aspects of the transformation. Drawing on empirical research from an extensive amount of data collected from multiple Danish manufacturing companies, the study employs qualitative methods to explore and refine the understanding of manufacturing innovation for Industry 4.0 focusing on the innovation approach. The results of the dissertation evolve in three parts. The first part of the findings explores why the adoption of Industry 4.0 in industry is at a standstill. In the second part, characteristics of successful approaches to manufacturing innovation for Industry 4.0 are presented along with a process model for the adoption of Industry 4.0. In the last part of the findings, the research delves into the ‘sandbox’ approach as a tool for manufacturing innovation. The research offers essential knowledge necessary to advance industry practice to enhance the quality of the approach to manufacturing innovation in manufacturing companies, and thereby creates a strategic foundation for manufacturing. From a scientific perspective, the research contributes to establishing manufacturing innovation as a dedicated research area.



in the defence
The PhD defence will be hosted by moderator Kjeld Nielsen. The lecture constitutes a 45-minute presentation by Maria Støttrup Schiønning Larsen followed by a short break and a discussion session with questions from the opponents and the auditorium. After the defense, the department hosts a small reception at Fibigerstræde 14 in the common room. You will receive a separate invitation for this.
Assessment committee
  • Professor Frank Gertsen (chair), Aalborg University, Denmark
  • Professor Monica Bellgran, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
  • Associate Professor Jessica Denise Bruch, Mälerdalen University, Sweden
PhD supervisor
  • Associate professor Astrid Heidemann Lassen, Department of Materials and Production, Aalborg University, Denmark
  • Associate Professor Esben Skov Larsen, Department of Technology and Business, University College of Northern Denmark, Denmark
  • Associate Professor Kjeld Nielsen, Aalborg University, Denmark